As a church family we love to share in the many celebrations involved in family life which mark significant events, from the birth of a child to the joining together of a loving couple in marriage.
Baptism is a deeply spiritual sign of belonging to, and being welcomed into, the church family. Parents bringing their children for baptism make declarations and promises on behalf of their child about their faith and their intention to bring up the child in the church family. This is always a joyous occasion for the whole church family and usually takes place in a regular Sunday morning service.
A lay member of the Baptism Preparation Team will make an appointment to visit the family before the service to outline the promises and declarations and explain the format of the baptism service.
Godparents, too, play a special role in the the spiritual upbringing of a baptised child. It is important for parents to choose godparents with care, selecting someone who has a sound Christian faith themselves and who will take their responsibilities seriously, praying for the child and giving a good example of following the Christian life. It is necessary that godparents have themselves been baptised.
Thanksgiving for a Child
For parents wishing to celebrate the birth of their child but who are not ready to make the declarations and promises involved in a Baptism service, the church offers a special service of Thanksgiving for the gift of a child.
St Briavels and Hewelsfield churches are both licensed for weddings Both churches have very picturesque settings although they vary considerably in size and seating capacity. If you worship regularly at the church, are resident in the parish or have other specific connection to the parish then we would love to host your wedding.
Our Churches offer a marriage preparation course to all couples who wish to be married in our churches to help them think through the important issues prior to the big day. This is run by church members who have themselves been married for many years. They use published material containing DVD clips and prepared questions to help couples explore issues such as finance, in-laws, conflict and family traditions and roles.
A detailed and informative marriage folder will be given to all couples booking a wedding in either of our churches.
If you would like to be married in one of our churches, in the first instance please contact Rev David Treharne 01291 760034
Marriage blessing or Renewal of vows
Occasionally there are reasons for being married in a Register Office or at some other registered venue. In these cases, you may like a Christian blessing upon the marriage which can be arranged at one of our church buildings.
There is also a special service available for renewing your marriage vows. Maybe you have reached a landmark anniversary and would like to celebrate with a special service or have been through a particularly testing time and would like to mark a new start in your marriage. In the first instance contact Rev David Treharne 01291 760034
If you wish to hold a funeral in either of our churches your chosen Funeral Director will normally make all the arrangements.
St Briavels churchyard is now closed to all but family burials (i.e. where there is space in an existing family grave), though there is of course the adjacent cemetery.